Board of Directors
Leadership Team
Operational Staff
About Us
The Te Rere Hau wind farm is situated on North Range Road in the Tararua Ranges approximately 11 kilometres from Palmerston North. The site operates 91 Windflow Technology WF500 turbines, with an output of 45.5 MW, capable of producing approximately 116.7 GWh's of renewable electricity per annum enough to power about 16,000 homes, or in excess of half the households in Palmerston North.
The wind farm provides economic benefit to the country through providing electricity generation close to where it is needed and an estimated $2m to the local community through the employment of local residents and purchase of other goods and services. TRH Services Ltd (100% owned and controlled by NZ Windfarms Ltd) is the entity responsible for the operation and maintenance of Te Rere Hau wind farm.
The electricity generated is fed into the national grid through a transmission line connected to the node at the adjacent Tararua wind farm.
The Company has secured resource consents paving the way for potentially repowering the Te Rere Hau wind farm with up to 30 new, larger, three-bladed wind turbines. Repowering the Te Rere Hau wind farm could position it as an onshore wind farm with an estimated capacity factor between 48% to 51% (compared to our current fleet capacity factor of ~25%). Average annual energy production could increase substantially from 100 to 120 GWh to between 530 GWh and 570 GWh. The Company is currently advancing confidential commercial negotiations for the repower.
Additionally, we have identified an opportunity for further expansion of the repowered wind farm with nine additional turbines through the Aokautere Extension project. This could add up to an additional 170 GWh to the production potential of the repowered wind farm. (i.e. up to 740 GWh in total). This project has been successfully referred to the fast-track consenting pathway, and we are currently progressing the resource consent application. Our intention is to submit the second fast-track consent application by the end of October 2023, with a consenting decision possible in Q1 2024. If successful, this will be incorporated into the repower.
We have secured land rights to build an alternative higher capacity grid connection option. We are in advanced discussions with Transpower on the grid connection requirements.
Consent for the existing wind farm was granted from the Palmerston North City Council in 2005. Construction of the wind farm commenced the following year in 2006 and involved the commissioning of 65 turbines on 240 hectares of land owned by the Company.
In 2009 resource consent was sought from the Tararua District Council for an extension of the farm to install up to 56 turbines on the eastern side of the wind farm. Consent was granted in March 2010 and 32 turbines were commissioned progressively up to 1 July 2011.
The 500 kW turbines are 30 metres high and have a rotor diameter of 33 metres. The turbines were the only locally produced variants being operated in New Zealand and are designed for the strong winds and turbulent conditions prevailing in the region. See the Windflow 500 brochure for more information on the turbine.
97 turbines were constructed, however only 91 turbines are operated currently. The consent allows for a further 56 WF500 turbines to be constructed and operated, but there are no plans to do this at this time.
Purpose and Values
The Company’s Purpose and Values will serve as guiding principles for decision making and will set the tone for the Company’s future operations.
Empowering Sustainable Communities
Honesty, Integrity, Trust, Innovation, Manākitanga and Enjoyment

Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance
The Board is committed to maintaining the highest standards of governance, business behaviour and accountability in order to promote investor confidence.
Consistent with this commitment, NZ Windfarms corporate governance framework takes into consideration contemporary standards in New Zealand, incorporating the NZX Corporate Governance Code's, principles and recommendations.
Corporate Governance Statements
2023 Corporate Governance Statement
2022 Corporate Governance Statement
2021 Corporate Governance Statement
2020 Corporate Governance Statement
Board and Sub-Committee Charters
Audit & Risk Committee Charter
Remuneration & Nomination Committee Charter

Corporate Policies and Documents
NZ Windfarms Limited Constitution
Insider Trading and Financial Products Dealing Policy
Health, Safety & Well-being Policy
Health and Safety
NZ Windfarms will conduct our business activities in a way that protects the health and safety of all workers, stakeholders, contractors, visitors and the public.
As part of NZ Windfarms commitment to safety in all aspects of our operation we manage a large number of safety related hazards and risks.
Health, Safety & Well-being Policy
Public Safety
Public access to the wind farm is not permitted. Authorised entry is strictly controlled.
NZ Windfarms Limited has been assessed by Telarc Limited in accordance with JAS-ANZ PSMS Scheme issue 1 and has been found to operate a management system conforming to NZS 7901:2008 and upgraded to NZS 7901:2008 and is designated Telarc Registered No. 97 for the implementation of a safety management system for public safety in the electricity generation industry for the sites and assets owned and operated by NZ Windfarms Ltd and the Te Rere Hau Wind Farm.